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Thursday, June 21, 2018


Computer hardware refers to the physical parts of a computer and its related devices. Internal hardware devices include motherboards, hard drives and memory. The eternal hardware devices include monitors, keyboards, mice, printers and scanners.
The internal hardware parts of a computer are often referred to as components, while the external components are referred to as peripherals. Together, they all fall under the category of computer hardware.
 The computer hardware can be categorized into the following;
Ø Input Devices
Ø Output Devices
Ø System Unit
Ø Storage Devices

Ø Communication Devices

Wednesday, June 13, 2018


      1) Informative Tools -  Informative Tools Are tools and applications That Provide Large Amounts Of Information In Various Formats Such As Text, Graphics, Sound, Or Video. Informative Tools Can Be Regarded As A Passive Repository Of Information.
       Example: Internet, Network Virtual Drive, Intranet Systems, Homepage, television, mobile phones, projector, printer, computer, Etc.

      2) Constructive Tools -Constructive Tool Is A General Purpose Tool That Can Be Used To Manipulate Information, Construct Their Own Knowledge Or Visualize Students Understanding.
      Examples Include Microsoft Office, Adobe Photoshop, recorder, camera Etc.

      3) Communicative Tools - Communicative Tools Are Systems and tools That Allow Easy Sharing Of Information Between Teachers And Students Or Between Students Outside The Physical Barrier Classroom. Some Examples Include E-mail, SMS, Messengers, computers, mobile phones, tablets, Etc.

      4. A Collaborative Tool Helps People To Do Things Together. The Purpose Of A Collaboration Tool Is To Support A Group Of Two Or More Individuals To Accomplish A Common Goal Or Objective They Have Set Themselves. Collaboration Tools Can Be Either Of Non-technological Nature Such As Paper, Flipchart, Post-it Notes Or Whiteboard

      -Enhance Pupils’ Levels Of Understanding;
-Make Pupils Become Effective Independent Learners;
-Physically Disadvantaged Pupils Can Achieve The Same Degree Of Success;
-Benefit In Terms Of Motivating Pupils

-Enables Pupils To Gather Data That Would Otherwise Be Time-consuming Or Costly;
-Enables Pupils To Draft Or Redraft Their Work;
-Can Help To Implement Personalized Learning


·         A data refers to raw facts which the computer can manipulate and process into information that is useful to man.
Computerized data is digital. This means that it is converted to digits or numbers. The computer stores and reads all data as binary, thus zeros and ones (00011110).
Although computers use data in digital form but they convert data into forms that people can understand such as texts, images, numerals, sounds and visuals.

·         An information is a data that has been processed in such a way that it is meaningful to the person who receives it. Information is therefore the collection of organized data.
·         The process of turning data to information is called processing
    Difference Between Data and Information
1.Data Is A RAW FACT
1. Information Is a Processed Data
2.Data Is Not Meaningful
2.Information makes meaning
3.Data Is Difficult OR EVEN IMPOSSIBLE To Reproduce
3. it is easy to reproduce
4.Data Serves as An Input to A Computer

4.serves as an output of a computer
5.Data Has More Restrictions in terms Of Access

5.information is mostly accessible


       ICT is the infrastructure and components that enable modern computing.
       ICT refers to technologies that provide access to information through telecommunications
       ICTs stand for information and communication technologies and are defined as the set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information.”

       Information Communication Technology tools are digital infrastructures such as; computers, laptops, desktops, has an input, output and can process data.
       Examples of ICT tools include;
       Computers, televisions, tablets, projector, software programs, printers, scanners, speakers, etc.


ICT is the use of computers and telecommunication devices for sending, processing and storage of information whiles ICTs are the devices used in the transmission of information.
·         A data refers to raw facts which the computer can manipulate and process into information that is useful to man.
Computerized data is digital. This means that it is converted to digits or numbers. The computer stores and reads all data as binary, thus zeros and ones (00011110).
Although computers use data in digital form but they convert data into forms that people can understand such as texts, images, numerals, sounds and visuals.


·         An information is a data that has been processed in such a way that it is meaningful to the person who receives it. Information is therefore the collection of organized data.
·         The process of turning data to information is called processing
·         Technology is defined as the application of scientific principles in producing machines or tools to better the lives of mankind.
·         An example of technology is the use of internet to extend the reach or access to quality education

·         Communication is the exchange of information.
·         Communication in ICT is the exchange of information which involves sending and receiving of information among computers.
·         An example of communication among computers include sharing of files, sending of mails, Making calls.

·         e-learning simply means electronic learning. This refers to the learning conducted via electronic media, typically on the Internet.
·         Some elements of e-learning are desktop computers, mobile phones, Tablets, laptops, etc.